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Therfield School

Teacher Training


Have you ever considered becoming a teacher? Whether you are a recent graduate or you have been working in industry for a number of years, teaching can be a rewarding career with great opportunities for progression. Our school needs high quality teachers in order to develop and fulfil the potential of all our students. In order to achieve this, we are keen to nurture and support the teachers of the future.


This is why we are proud to be part of four highly respected teacher training partnerships:


You could train here in our school supported by an experienced Mentor on a salaried or unsalaried training placement, within a wide range of subjects. Gain on-the-job experience and at the end of the academic year you should be recommended for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and if you choose, obtain a PGCE (60 credits at Masters level)

For more information on training to teach with one of the providers we work with please click on the links above. You can also contact Natalie Fogarty (NFogarty@therfield.surrey.sch.uk) if you would like to discuss training at Therfield School.